Monday, November 7, 2011

"final draft"

                                                     Big slums and Small slums

       All the people that we see do end up somewhere, and everybody ends up somewhere. Those

places where they end up at are called slums, but their entire family move with them. The people

that live in the slums walk on dirty water, nowhere to sleep, and the water covers all the streets.

The families in the slums have dirty water, because nobody cleans their water.                                                       


     The dirty water is a big problem in the slums because people get real sick “Urbanization in

the increase in area or population of city" makes slums have more people. "Largest slum in   

Kenya and there is one in Africa too" it is known for the population that they have there. Slums

are not a good place to live at also the people live their because they don’t have jobs. Not only

how dirty the water is and the people have anywhere to sleep because they are sharing their

house with family.

           If you have a big family they will have to sleep with you to because the homes were not

that big  " Homes are made out of mud and very crowded dirty" slums are not well clean or taken

care of. "With less than a dollar you can survive" that you can live just with a dollar .Most

people that live at the slums only earn like a dollar. Not only do they not have room to sleep

there is also dirty water on the streets.

    The children play in the streets with all the dirty water because that where they play outside

even if they is dirty water in the street. The toys that the kids play with are made out of "Made

toys out of simple objects".  Kids make the toys out of different things to play with because

that’s all they can do. We should care about the people in the slums because it does not matter

where they live they are still human beans just like us.

       The way those people lost their homes is they did not have enough money to pay their

homes or lost their jobs. People in slums walk on dirty water, nowhere to sleep, and the water

covers the streets. We should care where they sleep, the kids play at and what they play with, and

how did they ever get that dirty water in the streets. All of us should care about what they do no

matter where they live or how poor they are. They are still people no matter what they do

because they are still human beans.



                                                        Word Cited

Blythe, Nils “Mumbai’s slum life poses world problems.” BBC News Online. 29 Sept 2011.>

 Eaves, Elisabeth. “Two Billion Slums Dwellers.” 6 Nov. 2006. 29 Sept. 2011.            


Fink, Sheri. “Cities of the Poor I: Life in the Slums (Kenya).” Public Radio International: The   

         World.  29 Sept.2011 <http://www.theworld.drg/>

“Urbanization.”  World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. 29 Sept.2011.


"rough draft"

All the people that we see do end up somewhere, and everybody ends up somewhere. Those places where they end up at are called slums, but their entire family move with them. The people that live in the slums walk on dirty water, nowhere to sleep, and the water covers all the streets. The families in the slums have dirty water, because nobody cleans their water.                                                       

       The dirty water is a big problem in the slums because people get real sick “Urbanization in the increase in area or population of city" makes slums have more people. "Largest slum in Kenya and there is one in Africa too" it is known for the population that they have there. Slums are not a good place to live at also the people live their because they don’t have jobs. Not only how dirty the water is and the people have anywhere to sleep because they are sharing their house with family.
      If you have a big family they will have to sleep with you to because the homes were not that big  " Homes are made out of mud and very crowded dirty" slums are not well clean or taken care of. "With less than a dollar you can survive" that you can live just with a dollar .Most people that live at the slums only earn like a dollar. Not only do they not have room to sleep there is also dirty water on the streets.
       The children play in the streets with all the dirty water because that where they play outside even if they is dirty water in the street. The toys that the kids play with are made out of "Made toys out of simple objects".  Kids make the toys out of different things to play with because that’s all they can do. We should care about the people in the slums because it does not matter where they live they are still human beans just like us.
      The way those people lost their homes is they did not have enough money to pay their homes or lost their jobs. People in slums walk on dirty water, nowhere to sleep, and the water covers the streets. We should care where they sleep, the kids play at and what they play with, and how did they ever get that dirty water in the streets. All of us should care about what they do no matter where they live or how poor they are. They are still people no matter what they do because they are still human beans.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

" Introduction"

  All the people that we see do end up somewhere,and everybody endsup somewhere. Those places where theyend up at are called slums, but all their family move with them. The people that live in the slums walk on dirty water, no where to sleep, and the water covers all the streets. The family in the slums have dirty water, because nobody clean's their water

"Thesis Statement"

People that live in the slums do not have many place to drink water at ,because they have dirty water, no where to sleep, and children play in streets full off dirty water.

"Thesis Statement"

People that live in the slums do not have many place to drink water at ,because they have dirty water, no where to sleep, and children play in streets full off dirty water.


I. Introduction
  A. People lost their homes end up somewhere
  B.They end up in slums with thier family
  C.People in slums walk on dirty water, no where to sleep, and the water covers the streets
  D.the family have dirty water because nobody cleans it
II. Defendable Point #1
  A. The dirty water is a big problem in the slums because people get sick
  B. " Urbanization in the increase in area or population of city" make slums have more people. "Largerst slum in Kenya and their is one in Africa too" it is known for the population
  C. Slums are not a good place to live at also the people live their beacuse the dont have jobs
  D. Not only  how dirty the water is and the people have anywhere to sleep beacuse they are shareing their house with family
III. Defendable Point #2
  A. If you have a big family they will have to sleep with you to beacue the homes were not that big
  B. " Homes are made out of mud and very croweded dirty" slums are not well clean or taken care of. "With less than a dollar you can survive" that you can live just with a dollar
  C.  Most people that live at the slums only earn like a dollar
  D. Not only do they not have room to sleep their is also sirty water on the streets
IV. Defendable Point #3
  A. The children play in the streets with all the dirty water
  B. The toys that the kids play with are made out of "Made toys out of simple objects".
  C. Kids make the toys out of different things to play with because thats all they can do
  D. We should care about the people in the slums because it does not matter where they li8ve they are still human beans
V. Conclusion
  A. The way those people lost their homes is they did not have enough money to pay their homes or lost their jobs
  B. .People in slums walk on dirty water, no where to sleep, and the water covers the streets
  C. We should care where they sleep , the kids play at and what they play with, and how did they ever get that dirty water in the streets
  D. Allo of us should care about what they do no matter where they live or how poor they are. They are still people no matter what they do because they are still human beans